CMEI FSL YardShow 2020-51

欢迎来到博爱 & Sorority Life at Metropolitan State University of 丹佛! 请花几分钟浏览皇冠官网网站的网站,了解更多关于皇冠官网网站每个组织和理事会的信息. 每年都有许多学生决定加入密歇根州立大学丹佛分校和全国各地的兄弟会和姐妹会,皇冠官网网站希望你, 作为家长, 监护人或家庭成员, 会了解到你的学生通过加入兄弟会或姐妹会获得的不可思议的机会吗.

If your student is just joining the community, we encourage exploration of all of our councils and organizations. 皇冠官网网站希望学生在与其他有共同兴趣和目标的学生一起寻求组织成员资格时,能够忠于自己,从而建立终身友谊,丰富学生体验.

We look forward to working with both you and your student(s) in the future. Please feel free to contact the Fraternity & Sorority Life Team at any time.

Finances/Chapter Dues Information

Fraternity and sorority membership does involve a financial cost. That cost varies widely by chapter, 有兴趣成为会员的学生应该问一些问题,以清楚地了解财务预期. 问题 interested students might consider asking include:

  • What is the per semester cost to be a member of this chapter?
  • When are dues due to the organization?
  • Does your chapter offer payment plans to pay dues in installments? 有奖学金吗??
  • 会费包括什么?? Should we expect any additional fees as part of membership?

章节应该能够很容易地回答有关财务预期的问题. 请继续关注这个页面,因为皇冠官网网站皇冠官网网站的兄弟会和姐妹会的财务/分会会费信息放在一个网格上.

For more information in the meantime as we get this grid filled, 联系阿曼多·里霍, Assistant Director of 兄弟会和姐妹会生活 and Student Government at (电子邮件保护).


Center for 多元文化的接触 and Inclusion (CMEI)

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校园信箱39号,P.O. Box 173362, 丹佛, CO 80217-3362