

内容: 丹佛大都会州立大学荣誉项目是一个充满动力和学术冒险精神的学生和教职员工致力于共同努力以达到新的成就水平的社区. 该课程旨在培养学生运用批判性和创造性思维以及进行高质量研究和创造性工作的能力. 亲爱的ors students learn to integrate a variety of disciplines in their approach to a given project, 展示公民和跨文化知识和参与, and reflect critically upon their values and the learning process. 这是一个创新的项目,允许学生通过完成学术课程和课外荣誉课程的个性化定制组合来获得荣誉项目证书.

荣誉课程旨在培养学生运用批判性和创造性思维以及进行高质量研究和创造性工作的能力. 亲爱的ors students learn to integrate a variety of disciplines in their approach to a given project, 展示公民和跨文化知识和参与, and reflect critically upon their values and the learning process. 这是一个创新的项目,允许学生通过完成学术课程和课外荣誉课程的个性化定制组合来获得荣誉项目证书.


你是那种真正喜欢学习的学生吗? 你读书是为了乐趣吗? Are you curious about more topics than you have time to pursue? 你喜欢深入的对话和/或辩论吗? 智力挑战能激励你吗? If you find yourself answering in the affirmative to many of these questions, 你可能是个优等生!

向新开放, 继续, 以及所有专业的转学生, 荣誉课程为具有广泛学术兴趣的积极进取的学生提供丰富的学术经验. 旨在促进独立思考和创造性探究, the majority of hon口服补液盐信贷s are earned in conjunction with your degree program—not as additional hours. 参加荣誉课程的学生应该期待一个挑战,激发好奇心和研究,同时以意想不到的方式拓宽视野.

戴维森总统参观密歇根州立大学丹佛荣誉项目, which provides a challenging curriculum and engaged community for high-achieving students.


密歇根州立大学丹佛荣誉课程的学生可以享受到一个由敬业的学习者和充满活力的教师组成的小社区的综合好处, while also having access to the substantial resources of 密歇根州立大学丹佛 and its vibrant urban campus.

  • 支持社区
  • 进入荣誉学院和它的许多资源
  • 优先注册
  • 独特的荣誉课程
  • 额外的建议和学术支持
  • 本科生研究机会
  • 为地方、区域和国家会议旅行提供资金
  • 与教师密切合作
  • Recognition at graduation and 亲爱的ors designation on transcripts
  • 提高研究生和专业学校的准备
  • 毕业典礼专用绳



这个项目是为高度投入和求知欲强的学生设计的,他们想要做到最好,从大学教育中获得更多. 荣誉课程汇集了一个充满活力的社区,学生来自不同的学术背景和许多不同的学习方法. 这个项目促进社区参与, 跨学科研究, 以及独立研究和创造性奖学金.

荣誉课程向任何希望申请的学生开放. 录取主要基于提交的论文. 论文是皇冠官网网站招生过程的重点,因为它们帮助皇冠官网网站确定该项目是否适合申请人. 亲爱的ors is a good fit for students who are excited about learning and 思考 critically about topics and ideas beyond their major; participating in a dynamic community of learners; completing an independent 研究 or creative project as part of their degree process.

论文将从形式和内容两方面进行评估. The essays should demonstrate good control of language and clear organization of ideas. They should also include content that gives a clear sense of who you are, 你的兴趣, 目标, 以及个人观点.

如果学生被拒绝入学, 根据他们的论文, they are encouraged to rewrite and resubmit their essays for reconsideration. The Writing Center offers support to students for the re-application process.


The 荣誉项目 curriculum requires 21 units of approved courses and activities. 每个学生都能够通过完成荣誉课程的核心课程,并结合学术和课外选择来设计自己的道路.

请注意,通常, 学生需要至少剩余2学年(或60学分)才能完成荣誉课程以及他们的学位要求. 只剩下一学年(30学分)的学生, 荣誉课程只提供论文课程.  请皇冠官网网站了解更多信息.

To become a member of the 荣誉项目 community, complete the form below. 皇冠官网网站期待尽快收到您的来信!


良好的成绩意味着每学年至少参加一门荣誉课程,并以B-或更好的成绩通过荣誉课程. 参加课外活动也表明积极参与该计划,并获得计入荣誉区分的单位.


以密歇根州立大学丹佛荣誉项目的优异成绩毕业, 每个学生完成荣誉课程和一篇荣誉论文, 得到了3分.毕业时本科GPA达到3分.

**Most of the 荣誉项目 courses are offered face-to-face only. If you are an online-only student, please reach out to us before applying.**

Students wishing to apply to the 密歇根州立大学丹佛荣誉项目 should complete the 荣誉的应用程序 并提交给荣誉课程. Applications will be evaluated on an ongoing basis for the following semester.


  1. Writing samples including short answer questions and two essays of 400-500 words each. 在这里预览应用程序编写提示.
  1. 可选的提交: Applicants are invited to include any of the following additional items if they wish to do so.  然而, 这些不需要申请:当前GPA, 标准化考试成绩, 展示你能力的论文或创造性作品, 和/或推荐信.

Please be advised that the 荣誉项目 House has stairs at the entrance and is not wheelchair accessible. 请联系 詹妮弗·O 'Dell 如有需要,可在其他地点安排预约.

如有疑问,请与 荣誉项目,或致电303-615-1154.


夏季/秋季2024 -研讨会课程



皇冠官网网站就在西教室的西面, or south of the restaurant Los Molinos along the row of old houses. 找那个黄色的!


周一:8 am-5pm

周二:8 am-5pm

周三:8 am-5pm

周四:8 am-5pm




丹佛,CO 80204