横跨美国.S., 3900万人 have taken some college classes but never graduated, with one of the top reasons for stopping out being that they cannot afford the cost. For those whose tuition and fee balances ended up in collections, it can feel like they will never be able to repay that money and realize their dream of earning a degree.

Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 wants to change that.

The 财务主管’s Grant – founded in November 2022 by 密歇根州立大学丹佛 校董会 member Jerry Glick – provides former 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students with a clear path for getting back into the classroom, where they can achieve their educational goals and ambitions.

“I am convinced that coming back to school and getting a degree or certificate is the key to accomplishing what you want in life,格利克说。, managing partner of Columbia Group LLP. “Getting these students reenrolled and their debt paid off benefits the student, the University and the community.”

每学期, 财务长办公室 contacts qualified students about participating in the grant program. After signing an agreement and paying 75% of their bill, 包括托收费用, their account is released from collections and holds are lifted, allowing them to apply for readmission and register for classes. If they stay enrolled until the census date, the grant funds will pay the remainder of their collection balance.

Thirty-three students took advantage of the program during the 2023 spring semester; one is slated to graduate in May, 今年夏天还有一个.

“This is one of the most remarkable projects I have ever worked on in my life,克里斯蒂娜·博特罗说, University partnerships accounts manager, 财务长办公室. She says that for students who have felt financially overwhelmed, the grant gives them the relief they need to continue in a positive direction.

“You guys have given me the hope I need to move forward with my life,” said one student who relaunched their educational journey using the grant.

另一个人说, “It’s like I’ve been given a second chance to become the nurse I’ve dreamed of being for such a long time. 谢谢你!!”

Outreach for the 2023 summer and fall semesters has already begun. Botello is optimistic about the continuing and far-reaching impact of the grant, saying that the positive word of mouth is empowering. “No matter how you look at it, this gift has given everyone involved an opportunity – even the students who decline our offer were at least given another chance to succeed,”她说。.

“Our students now have a fresh start returning to the University. It gives them the power to become the changemakers 密歇根州立大学丹佛 is searching for.”

For more information about The 财务主管’s Grant, contact 史蒂夫Galpern, senior director of Development.