If you’re looking for a change of scenery for the next chapter of your life, 科罗拉多应该在你的候选名单上. Whether you’re taking the next step in your educational journey or in your career, Colorado is the perfect location to achieve your goals and live life to the fullest.  



Perhaps you’ve visited Colorado before and had a great time while you were here. Of course, visiting somewhere and living there are two vastly different experiences. 也许你想知道, 科罗拉多州是一个生活和工作的好地方吗?  

简短的回答: 绝对. 

的re are endless reasons why Colorado is the perfect destination for work and for life, but these are the top 13 reasons 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students and alumni can agree on.  


  1. 创新的商业环境

作为美国第15大经济体.S., Colorado is home to an innovative business culture unlike anywhere else beyond the California and East Coast hubs. You’ll find numerous Colorado-based tech startups and others doing new and innovative work.  

造成这种气候的原因有很多, including 丹佛’s high output of world-class researchers and field leaders, along with friendly business policies and a gorgeous natural environment that practically invites movers and shakers to set up shop here. 

一个 丹佛杂志 称皇冠官网网站州是最适合创业或发展企业的州之一. With numerous institutions like 密歇根州立大学丹佛 training innovators and leaders along with a business- and living-friendly environment, 科罗拉多有意义. 


  1. 技术人才集中

科罗拉多也一样 尤其是丹佛 boasts a concentration of skilled talent working in science, industry and the knowledge economy. It takes an existing ecosystem and network of high-paying businesses to support a city as a work destination, 大家都说科罗拉多州已经有这个了.  

技术人才如此密集的集中在美国以外是罕见的.S. 沿海城市,但丹佛作为地区领导者屹立不倒. 


  1. 各种工作机会

在科罗拉多的任意两个地方扔一根针, 你可能会经历不同的气候和地理. It’s no surprise that our state offers job opportunities nearly as varied as the state’s natural beauty. 

Tourism and hospitality take center stage thanks in large part to the Rocky Mountains, 那里提供一些最好的 徒步旅行 和滑雪在美国大陆.S.; but Colorado is far from a one-trick pony. 矿业, 重工业, 农牧, 金融服务, and just about any other industry or service you can imagine thrive in the Centennial State.  

不管你在做什么(或者你未来的职业生涯中想做什么), 很有可能这些工作就在科罗拉多. 


  1. 独特的文化 & 社区

Colorado and the Mountain West region have a culture you won’t find elsewhere, 皇冠官网网站知道你会喜欢的. 艺术在科罗拉多州有一个永久的家, with galleries and performance venues throughout the greater 丹佛 metro as well as in other cities.

Whether you find the coastal cities 太 hectic or the Midwest less than thrilling, 丹佛 offers a unique mix that blends the best of both worlds and adds a flavor all its own. 


  1. 令人敬畏的户外氛围

We’ll just come out and say it: Colorado is beautiful, no matter the season. Whatever outdoor activities you love — or have ever dreamed of trying — you can find them somewhere in the state of Colorado. 

…with the exceptions of surfing or deep-sea diving, you can enjoy just about everything else. 

A temperate mountain climate means you can enjoy many of those outdoor activities just about all year. Temperatures stay reasonably mild year-round in 丹佛 and throughout much of the state. 


  1. 强劲的经济

科罗拉多州的经济健康而充满活力. 失业率很低,甚至低于全国平均水平. 的 variety of high-paying jobs available in the state certainly enhance the economy; so do travel and tourism, 它们贡献了惊人的 240亿美元 每年一次,每个月有数百万人访问. 


  1. 注重工作与生活的平衡

No one moves to Colorado with grand plans to stay locked in an office, chained to a laptop. 这不是科罗拉多州的作风. 

到处都有户外活动的机会, Colorado offers ample opportunity for the “life” side of work-life balance with plenty of dining, 夜生活和文化. With such a wide range of well-paying jobs, we’ve got the “work” side covered, 太. 

Many of the world’s greatest natural destinations offer plenty of life, 但很少有公司能提供如此多的高薪工作. 科罗拉多州两者都有, 两者都做得很好. 


  1. 可负担的生活成本

的 overall cost of living in Colorado is slightly above the national average, 但是工作机会, higher median earnings and a higher minimum wage help make Colorado a comparatively affordable place to live — especially when viewed alongside the larger coastal cities.  

的 2020年家庭收入中位数 in Colorado was an impressive $75,000, which is considerably higher than the national average. 

Truth be told, housing drives a major portion of cost of living; but housing costs are up everywhere. 丹佛的失业率比这个州的其他地方都高, so you may have a cost of living close to or even under the national average depending on where you end up after college. By 一些测量, 普韦布洛低于全国平均水平, while multiple cities including Colorado Springs are only just above it. 


  1. 一望无际的啤酒厂.

你喜欢精酿啤酒吗? 康普茶或苹果酒怎么样?  

If the options at your local grocer or bar leave something to be desired, 也许该换个环境了. 

在科罗拉多州,放眼望去,到处都是啤酒厂. Every possible permutation of brewed beverage can be found here in one of our hundreds of breweries and craft bars. 


  1. 节日过多.

科罗拉多是一个节日的目的地, and the list of prominent festivals is so long we’re sure to leave one off here. From Telluride Film Festival to the Shakespeare festival at Red Rocks, the Greeley Stampede, 全国西部股票展和美国啤酒节, you’ll find plenty of ways to get your festival on throughout Colorado. 


  1. 提供全年积极的生活方式

科罗拉多州大部分地区的气候普遍温和, so you can hit up your favorite outdoor activities just about whenever you want. 随着季节的变化,活动也在变化. Some of our greatest skiing and snowboarding destinations offer unique and compelling snow-free experiences in the summer, 太. 


  1. 户外活动.

皇冠官网网站不是在吹牛, 但是这样温和的气候, 你会发现每个周末都有有意义的户外活动. 不管你喜欢什么,很可能就发生在科罗拉多, 它发生在户外. 


  1. 专业运动队

体育迷们在这里有很多值得欢呼的地方. 科罗拉多州有5家 职业球队:掘金(篮球), 野马队(橄榄球), 雪崩(曲棍球), 落基队(棒球)和急流队(足球). 这五支球队都以丹佛为主场. 

科罗拉多州的其他城市也有小联盟球队, 街头飚车, 派克峰国际登山, 和大专世界大赛. 



皇冠官网网站希望到目前为止,这个问题的答案是显而易见的. 科罗拉多有很多可以提供的,工作,生活, 甚至是教育. 科罗拉多绝对值得你去. 

如果你想在你的教育之旅中迈出下一步, 丹佛大都会州立大学是你理想的目的地. 密歇根州立大学丹佛 offers more than 90 majors and minors as well as 10 graduate p程序s. 无论你想做什么或成为什么人,皇冠官网网站都有一个项目可以帮你做好准备. 




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