在3月9日的庆祝捐赠活动中, Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 announced a transformational gift from longtime University supporters Ferd and 克里斯蒂茨 that will build sustainable funding for the Student Success Endowed Fund.

During her welcoming remarks, 珍妮·戴维森总裁, Ph.D., spoke about wraparound services being the secret sauce in helping students navigate higher education, making it possible for them to achieve their dreams at 密歇根州立大学丹佛.

“The Student Success Endowed Fund is all about providing the kinds of resources that get our students over the finish line and into the Colorado community and economy,戴维森说. “This is what Ferd and Christy have invested in with their transformational gift – thank you!”

The Student Success Endowed Fund will expand student support services, 提高这些项目的可及性和质量. Wraparound services can be a determining factor in the success of college students, with studies showing that those who receive comprehensive services have higher rates of improved mental health, 社会情感发展和学术学习, 包括留校率和毕业率.

“Most of 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s nontraditional students need additional assistance to access a system that was not built for them,辛西娅·巴伦说, Ph.D., interim associate vice president of Student Engagement & 健康. “Ferd and 克里斯蒂茨 are passionate about providing pathways for our students, 皇冠官网网站非常感谢他们的慷慨.”

The gift will provide flexible resources in perpetuity to fund student services like the Student 紧急 Fund; identity-based peer support programs; access to free food and school supplies at Rowdy’s Corner; tutoring and mentoring services and more.

密歇根州立大学丹佛 student Mariana Pascual-Miranda said that the support of services like the First-Generation Initiatives Program helped her overcome higher ed barriers, 激励她以学生协调员的身份回馈社会. “I have been able to mentor students and it’s been so beautiful to see them grow into who they are. 皇冠官网网站非常感谢您对皇冠官网网站学生的投资.”

费尔德·贝尔茨,L.C. Fulenwider公司., and a member of the 密歇根州立大学丹佛 Foundation 董事会 for over 10 years, 包括担任主席一职, 他对这所大学赞不绝口.

“You can all see why we believe in this place,” he said before passing the mic to his wife, Christy. “学生们, 教师, staff and administration are amazing – they are changing the education landscape in this city and state.”

克里斯蒂茨, 授权培训和咨询公司总裁, said she and Ferd discussed at length which campaign pillar they wanted to support, 学生成功着陆. 他们做出这个决定的一个原因是, 作为第一代大学生, they wanted to ensure students have access to the resources they need to get through college. Another reason had to do with her experience as a social worker.

“当我在丹佛读研究生的时候, 我转到一个名为“明智计划”的非营利组织, working with women who were transitioning from welfare to work,贝尔茨说。, 解释说,, 当时, 如果客户开始上大学, 他们的TANF福利被取消了, eliminating a resource they needed to support themselves. The organization lobbied, changing legislation at the state level. “We know that education for women, specifically, will change the trajectory of their lives.”

茨继续, saying that wraparound services and education transform people, 让他们自给自足. She also shared how curating TEDx密歇根州立大学丹佛 events and Ferd’s work with the Foundation gave her a behind-the-scenes look at the machine in action and the amazing things happening in the organization.

“I see the passion the students have for the University, the professors are unbelievable and the staff is remarkable,”她说。. “We’re very, very honored to give this gift and make a difference for these kids.”

Christy and Ferd茨 standing in front of a projector screen with their son calling in from his classes in 印第安纳州.

作为惊喜, 贝尔茨的儿子, 查理茨, 实际上从布卢明顿参加了这次活动, 印第安纳州, to express his gratitude for how they have made a difference in his life and the lives of others.

“When I hear about all of the great things my parents and others are contributing to, 这让我脸上露出了笑容,贝尔茨说。, a senior and Finance major at 印第安纳州 University’s Kelly School of Business. “And the ripple effect is unbelievable – I could not be happier to be part of your lives and see all the great things you do.”

Ferd茨 closed the event by encouraging others to join them in making a gift to provide students with the support they need to succeed.

“这所大学正在改变人们的生活, 反过来, those students and graduates are transforming the future of our city and our country.”