



罗素的直觉 《皇冠体育官网》随笔


 3:30 PM

CN 303



Join us for a captivating lecture on Bertrand Russell’s Revolutionary Insights into Space and Logic!


我在伯特兰·罗素的 《几何基础论 (1897), his forms of externality serve the same fundamental role in grounding the possibility of geometry that Immanuel Kant’s forms of intuition serve in grounding geometry in his critical philosophy. 具体地说, both provide knowledge of bare numerical difference, 皇冠官网网站对这种差别没有概念吗. Because on both accounts geometry deals with the composition of such conceptually homogeneous magnitudes, on both accounts the forms of intuition or externality (respectively) are at its foundation.


野狗Nunez is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the 南卡莱罗纳大学. His work centers on Kant and focuses on questions in the philosophy of logic and mathematics, 还有他们的历史. 想了解更多关于Dr. 涅斯的工作 http://tykenunez.nfshost.com/



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We are excited to feature Professor TJ Dezauche in our Religious Studies Lecture Series. 他将呈现《皇冠官网网站中间的鬼魂》.”

Japanese ghosts, called yūrei, now appear in media all over the world. Their frightening appearance and horrific powers have thrilled audiences for centuries. 但是这些鬼是从哪里来的呢? Are they simply stories told for entertainment?

This lecture will explore the origins of these tragic spirits. We will consider their relationship to Shintō, 日本的本土宗教, as well as the relationship between the yūrei and Buddhist pretas, 或者饿鬼. We will ask whether or not the stories of ghosts, particularly those found in Buddhist 传统(s) might offer more than a simple, 有趣的激动. What warnings do the hungry ghosts offer, and what possibilities?

最后, we will consider how appeasing these spirits and specters might actually be an act of true bravery, 不是因为皇冠官网网站要面对一个怪物, 而是因为皇冠官网网站必须面对自己.





Recording from TJ DeZauche lecture, "皇冠官网网站身边的鬼魂" on April 6, 2022. We lose video for about a minute and half at the 2:30 mark.





1:00 cn 303a


什么是宗教原型? How do they impact our understanding of religion? Come explore archteypal journeys in an engaging lecture with Dr. 萨那Riaz.

Prior to coming to the Metropolitan State University of 丹佛, Dr. 萨那Riaz served as the Program Chair of the Bachelor of Arts in Social Science in Ashford University’s College of Liberal Arts. 她毕业于卡拉奇大学, 巴基斯坦 with Bachelor’s in History and a Master’s in Archeology and earned her doctorate in Anthropology from the University of Arkansas. Learning and teaching languages being her passion besides Anthropology, she also began pursuing a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Massachusetts, 波士顿. Prior to joining Ashford University’s 丹佛 campus, Dr. Riaz在Mount St. 玛丽学院, New York; Arkansas State University; University of Arkansas; and at undergraduate institutions in Karachi, 巴基斯坦. Dr. Riaz’s research revolves around issues of modernity, 传统, 世俗主义, and social class in religious practice and the education context. She was trained as a Middle East anthropologist and conducted ethnographic research in urban 巴基斯坦. 在她的人类学课上. Riaz’s mission is to encourage students to critically examine their worldviews and socio-economic and political ethos, and bring themselves one step closer to understanding other cultural normalities. 因此, respecting other points of view and challenging one’s own through academic dialogue is an important feature of her class environment. Dr. Riaz advises her students to read about other cultures as much as possible and to deconstruct the ideologies that drive every activity in their daily lives and of the people around them, 无论是看电影, 庆祝一个场合, 去购物, 或交流.


“The Virgen de Guadalupe and the Politics of Gender”

Dr. 阿德里亚娜尼托


1:00 CN 205


阿德里安娜·涅托博士.D., is an associate professor and chair of the Department of Chicana/o Studies at Metropolitan State University of 丹佛. She has been with the university for over 15 years, first starting out as an adjunct professor and then becoming a full-time faculty member in 2009. Her teaching and research interests include Latina spiritualities and practices; women of color feminisms; mental health among Xicanas in early 20th Century New Mexico; Chicana protestants in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands; oral history and water in the ‘West’, with special interest in acequia culture and practices in southern Colorado.

涅托获得博士学位.D. in religious and theological studies form the University of 丹佛 Iliff School of Theology, her master’s in Latin American studies with a focus on gender studies and borderland history from the University of New Mexico and her bachelor’s in Latin American and women studies also from the University of New Mexico.