Each program has unique admission requirements and application deadlines.

To better prepare for submitting your graduate program application, 看看你的项目的具体入学要求和截止日期. 下面的每个链接都指向该项目的独特信息,以帮助您在开始申请之前更好地了解期望. Use the links above to locate your program area.

Additional Requirements for International Student Applicants

如果你已经完成或即将完成四年制学士学位课程或同等学历的学院或大学,你就是研究生. 除了国际学生的入学要求外,国际学生还必须完成与国内学生相同的入学要求. At this time we only issue I-20s for the following graduate programs; Master of Business Administration, Master of Professional Accountancy, Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Science in Cybersecurity, and Master of Social Work. 国际学生必须是全日制学生,每学期至少修6个学分. 国际学生支付与非居民相同的学费和费率.

Watch here for an overview of official university document requirements.

International Graduate Admission Checklist (1-6)

1. Visas: International students will need to obtain a I-20 Form from our Registrar’s Office 申请F-1签证进入美国并在皇冠官网网站批准的项目中学习.

  • 新的国际学生(仍然在他们的祖国)将需要大约90天后,他们有I-20申请签证, go to the interview, 获得签证并在项目开始日期之前有足够的时间进入该国完成他们的下一步工作. 由于Covid-19期间签证服务暂停,这个时间表可能因国家而异.
  • Transfer international students (in the U.S.(就读于另一所大学)将已经通过签证程序. 在开始上课之前,他们将需要大约4周的时间从目前的机构过渡到下一步的工作.
  • Students who stay in their home country and never seek to enter the U.S. 持F-1签证的人可以参加任何项目,无论他们在SEVP的结构或身份如何. 他们不被认为是国际学生,因此不需要遵守本电子邮件中的任何限制.

Timeline & Restrictions for Accepted International Students

  • 新的国际学生不能在开学前30天以上入境.
  • Once international students have arrived in the U.S.,他们必须参加国际迎新会和一对一的报到 Registrar’s Office.
  • 学生必须在秋季和春季学期注册全日制学位课程(有些例外-例如:上学期要求少于全日制注册)。. OF enrollment, 51% must be on-campus. Some exceptions are currently in place due to COVID-19. Contact [email protected] if you have specific questions.
  • 学生必须在联系信息(电子邮件)发生变化后10天内联系指定学校官员(DSO), physical address, phone). There are currently three DSOs in the Office of the Registrar.
  • 除非就业许可另有批准,否则学生不允许在校外工作,但可以每周在校内工作20小时, with written approval from the Office of the Registrar. Students can contact [email protected] to obtain approval.
  • 如果你的项目需要实习,你需要得到学校的授权 Classroom to Career Hub and the Registrar’s Office.
  • 出国旅行需要事先获得DSO的授权.

2. Apply:创建一个帐户并提交您的在线研究生入学申请. The $50.00 application fee is due at the time of application.

3. Complete Additional Program Requirements你必须重新审视你的学术课程的入学要求.

4. Submit Official Transcripts via a NACES Servicer(不要向皇冠官网网站发送PDF副本)申请人的证书包括在美国以外的学院或大学的学习或课程,必须由一个评估和/或翻译他们的成绩单 NACES member prior to review by an admissions committee. 然后,供应商将通过电子邮件将正式评估直接发送给皇冠官网网站, portal access, or postal mail. We suggest that you choose a service that can send us a copy of your verified transcript(s) together with the evaluation report, such as WES ICAP  or ECE.

    • The recommended evaluation and translation services are WESECE, and SpanTran
    • Request a course-by-course evaluation that includes courses, the cumulative GPA, and credits obtained
    • Digital submissions are preferred
    • Servicers can send digital copies of their evaluation directly to [email protected]
    • 服务人员可以将硬拷贝发送到以下地址:丹佛大都会州立大学, Academic Affairs/Office of Graduate Studies, 1201 5th Street, Campus Box 48, Denver, CO 80217

如果评估服务没有发送给皇冠官网网站您的认证学术文件, 签发机构必须直接将你的正式学业成绩寄给皇冠官网网站.

5. Official Proof of English Proficiency – MSU Denver school code is 4505

  • A minimum score of 76 on the internet-based (iBT) TOEFL
  • A minimum score of 6.0 on the IELTS (Prefer E-Delivery system)

以下申请人不需要英语水平证明:是澳大利亚的终身居民, Belize, Great Britain, Botswana, Canada (except Quebec), Commonwealth Caribbean, Ghana, Great Britain, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Nigeria, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa, and Zimbabwe

6. Financial Support Documents:

  • Complete the Affidavit for Financial Support OGS form
  • 当前的正式银行对账单:您的财务担保人的宣誓书或信件. 财务文件的日期必须在你在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校开始的学期第一天上课的六个月内. They must be uploaded as a document through the application system. 根据您的学位课程,银行对账单必须等于或大于以下金额:
    • $32,895 Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)
    • $32,795 Master of Business Administration (MBA)
    • $33,110 Master of Professional Accountancy (MPAcc)
    • 临床行为健康成瘾咨询理学硕士
    • $38,670 Master of Science in Cybersecurity
    • $34,470 Master of Science in Nutrition
    • $43,305 Master of Science in Speech Language Pathology
    • $43,650 Master of Social Work
  • An additional $12,000 will be required for each Dependent
  • 如果银行对账单是外币,金额将以皇冠官网网站办公室进行货币兑换的当天为准

7. Current Passport and VisaIf available at the time of application. 如果没有,你的签证和护照必须在新生报到时提供. *Current I-20: (International transfer students actively studying in the U.S. only) 所有被录取的转学生都需要SEVIS转学表. The PDSO/DSO at your current school can complete this request. MSU Denver cannot issue you a new I-20 until this has been completed. MSU Denver I-20 Transfer Form. If you require a change of status, please contact International Student Support at [email protected].


Next Steps在学术项目收到所有入学要求后. 招生委员会将审查你的档案并做出录取决定. If an acceptance decision is made, the I-20 will be processed and sent to the address we have on record. You will receive a letter in the mail stating your admissions status. 强制性的国际学生迎新活动将在开学前的第一周举行.

Helpful Links:

English as a Second Language (ESL) – support only

Immigrant Services

Immigration FAQ’s

Admitted International Student Resources