
的 following is valid for the 2024-2025 catalog and onward.

可打印的 专业气象学位检查表2024-2025 | 目录版本

一般研究和种族研究 & 社会正义要求- 24-36学分

气象学核心为所有学生- 29学分

  • MTR 1400天气及气候(3)
  • 港铁2020天气及气候实验室(1)
  • MTR 2410天气观测系统(3)
  • MTR 3000天气讨论(1学分实验)
  • MTR 3040 Computer Programming for Meteorologists (3 with lab)
  • MTR 3330气候学(3含实验室)
  • MTR 3400天气气象学(3)
  • MTR 3410天气分析技术(3个实验室)
  • MTR 3420雷达及卫星气象学(3个含实验室)
  • MTR 3430大气热力学(3)
  • MTR 4600气象学研究研讨会(3)

专业的浓度 Additional Courses:  43 credits

  • MTR 3440物理气象学(3)
  • MTR 3450动态气象学(3)
  • MTR 4400高级天气气象学(4连实验室)
  • MTR 4500中气象学(3)
  • PHY 2311普通物理I (4)
  • PHY 2321普通物理I Lab (1)
  • PHY 2341普通物理II实验室(1)
  • CHE 1800普通化学I (4) 
  • MTH 1410微积分I (4)
  • 微积分II (4)
  • 微积分III (4)
  • MTH 3210概率与统计(4)
  • MTH 3420微分方程(4)

专业的浓度 Approved 气象学 Electives – Select at least 3 credits

____ 地理信息系统 2250地理信息系统(4), 港铁2050社区气候措施(二), MTR 3000天气讨论(可重复)(1), MTR 3100空气污染(3), MTR 3340气候变化科学(3), MTR 3500恶劣天气(3), 港铁3710气象学实习(2 - 6), MTR 3777 Field Observations of Severe Weather (3 field), MTR 3920气象学定向研究(2 - 6), MTR  4210 Forecasting Laboratory (repeatable) (1 with lab), 地理信息系统 2250地理信息系统(4个带实验室), cs1050计算机科学I (4), MTH 2520r编程(4), 科学计算与Python (4), 线性代数的应用方法(4), MTH 3220统计方法(4), 数据科学(4), 或任何港铁2000+课程

不受限制的选修课——9到21岁 所有学生需要120学分才能毕业.  的 number of General Elective credits you will need depend on how many credits you have.  Many students take MTH 1110 College Algebra and MTH 1120 College Trigonometry, which will count towards 7 of your General Elective credits.).

气象学专业总学分=  120


的 following is valid for the 2024-2025 catalog and onward.

可打印的 应用气象学学位检查表2024-2025 | 目录版本

一般研究和种族研究 & 社会正义要求- 24-36学分

气象学核心为所有学生- 29学分

  • MTR 1400天气及气候(3)
  • 港铁2020天气及气候实验室(1)
  • MTR 2410天气观测系统(3)
  • MTR 3000天气讨论(1学分实验)
  • MTR 3040 Computer Programming for Meteorologists (3 with lab)
  • MTR 3330气候学(3含实验室)
  • MTR 3400天气气象学(3)
  • MTR 3410天气分析技术(3个实验室)
  • MTR 3420雷达及卫星气象学(3个含实验室)
  • MTR 3430大气热力学(3)
  • MTR 4600气象学研究研讨会(3)

应用气象学浓度 Additional Courses – 16 credits

  • MTR 3500恶劣天气(3) or MTR 4500中气象学(3)
  • MTH 1410微积分I (4)
  • MTH 3210概率与统计(4)
  • PHY 2311普通物理I (4) or PHY 2010 College 物理 I (4)
  • PHY 2321普通物理I Lab (1) or PHY 2040 College 物理 I Lab (1)

应用浓度 Approved 气象学 Electives – Select at least 6 credits

____ MTR 2050社区气候倡议(二), MTR 3000天气讨论(可重复)(1), MTR 3100空气污染(3), MTR 3340气候变化科学(3), 港铁3710气象学实习(2 - 6), MTR 3777 Field Observations of Severe Weather (3 (field)), MTR 3920气象学定向研究(2 - 6), MTR 4210预测实验室(可重复)(1(实验室)), MTR 3440物理气象学(3)*, MTR 3450动态气象学(3)*, MTR 4500中气象学(3), MTR 4400高级天气气象学(含实验室)*, MTR 2000-4999任何非1000级气象学课程, ENV 3700山地环境(3), ENV 4470积雪水文(3), GEG 3410生物地理学(3), GEL 4150水文学(地表水)(3), 地理信息系统 2250地理信息系统(4), 地理信息系统 4840遥感(4), cs1050计算机科学I (4), MTH 2520r编程(4), 科学计算与Python (4). *Students in the applied concentration are unlikely to have the proper prerequisites for courses with an *

Students may choose an optional minor or fill out the rest of their coursework with unrestricted elective credits.  Students should take care to achieve 40 upper division credits total to graduate.  Students might enjoy one of the several minors offered in the 地球 and Atmospheric Science department such as Climate Change, 地理位置, 地理信息系统(地理信息系统), 地质, 环境科学, 可持续性研究.  学生也可能喜欢辅修数学, 物理, 计算机科学, 化学, 航空技术, 沟通研究, 新闻与媒体制作, 社会学, 或水务研究.

无限制选修课- 33-45 所有学生需要120学分才能毕业.  的 number of General Elective credits you will need depend on how many credits you have.  Many students take MTH 1110 College Algebra and MTH 1120 College Trigonometry, which will count towards 7 of your General Elective credits.)

气象学专业总学分= 120


的 Professional and 应用气象学 concentrations began in catalog year 2022-2023.  请浏览 目录前年份 page for degree check sheets before 2022-2023 when we did not have concentrations.

专业气象 degree is nearly identical to the degree we have always offered at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 and it conforms to the requirements for students to qualify to work for the National Weather Service (NWS)  It also fulfills the American Meteorological Society’s recommendations for a Bachelor’s degree in 气象学.  同样的,学生想要最终得到 AMS广播认证 会不会想要专业的专注.

应用气象学 concentration is rather different in that it does not require the level of math demanded by the NWS.  Although we proudly tote several alumni who work at the National Weather Service throughout the country, we found that the majority of our alumni have found employment as successful broadcast (TV) meteorologists or as meteorologists in the private sector or even as science educators.  的 应用气象学 degree is for students looking to personalize their degree a bit more than the very prescribed requirements of the 专业气象 degree.  例如, a student looking to produce or broadcast meteorology might choose to Major in 应用气象学 and minor in 新闻与媒体制作 and focus their meteorology electives on severe weather.  (然而,学生们希望最终得到 AMS广播认证 会不会想要专业的专注.)  A student looking to work in the private sector on forecasting or instrumentation might major in 应用气象学 and minor in 计算机科学 or 地理信息系统.  A student interested in climate change might major in 应用气象学 and minor in 地理位置, 环境科学, 甚至是社会学.  从2024-2025年目录开始,辅修课程是可选的.  Students might then choose to diversify their remaining credits to build their skill base in an area best for their career aspirations.  We recommend meeting with a meteorology professor for recommendations.

Students hoping to continue their studies in graduate school in Atmospheric Science (气象学) should choose the 专业气象 degree, but students open to going to graduate school for something different like 地理位置, 环境科学, 地理信息系统, or a professional master’s might be okay to choose the 应用气象学 degree.

All students are encouraged to develop their programming and mapping skills by taking courses in computer science, python, R, 和地理信息系统.  的se skills are essential to marketability and we encourage you to take them early in your degree so the skills can be practiced in your 气象学 Research Seminar course.

两个浓度共享一个气象学核心, 然后分门别类,开设自己的必修课, 然后有他们自己的气象学选修课清单.  Use the accordions above by hitting the plus sign to see the requirements for each concentration.

Students on older catalogs may declare the 应用浓度 by moving up their catalog to 2024-2025.  Students on older catalogs wanting the Professional concentration shouldn’t bother, 原来的学位基本上是一样的.  请浏览 以前的目录年份页 for degree check sheets for 2023-2024 and previous years.

All current students can see their current catalog and requirements by visiting their 学位进度报告 and may also choose to try a “What If” report to see how their coursework might fit into a different catalog.  请找指导老师聊天!



Get a visual on the flow of courses for both concentrations as well as a 5-year course rotation.


