多元化战略计划 概述

丹佛大都会州立大学的多样性战略计划(DSP)作为继续解决的路线图, 加强和促进公平, 多样性和包容性 within the campus community. The DSP was crafted by the Diversity 股本 and Inclusion Council (DEIC), a university-wide council established in the spring of 2020, 共有近80名员工, 教师, 学生, 校友及社区领袖.

The DEIC is charged with examining diversity, 包容, and 股本 issues at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 cross-functionally, with respect to policy and practice from multiple perspectives. The DEIC works collaboratively with 密歇根州立大学丹佛 campus constituents, 更广泛的社区成员, 以及其他利益相关者, 适当的, to engage in strategic and action-oriented conversations.

本摘要概述了理事会及其小组委员会所作的努力. DEIC致力于通过社区修复和参与来体现多样性和修补内部和外部的不平等. The DEIC prioritizes diversifying the 教师, 教职员及学生团体, utilizing data-driven recruitment, retention and success strategies. DEIC重视专业发展和校园氛围的培养,并依靠皇冠官网网站的锚使命和修改开放访问的机构身份, 培养与大学服务的周边社区的伙伴关系和关系.

DEIC的部分职责包括制定和实施该机构的多样性战略计划, including reviewing existing efforts aimed at enhancing diversity, 公平与包容 in representation and practice, 在大学的战略计划(支柱四)的支持下制定目标, 并与战略和商业情报部门密切合作,制定一套衡量和确保问责制和透明度的指标.

2020年春天, the DEIC established a steering committee and created four sub-committees, 每个人都负责在多样性的背景下研究大学的不同部分, 公平与包容, 包括访问, recruitment and retention; community mending and outreach; HSI servingness, and institutional culture and climate.

校园气候培养委员会致力于建立与大学使命相一致的包容性制度文化, promoting positive change by aligning institutional goals with 股本, 多样性和包容性, addressing policy gaps and utilizing data for evidence-based practices. This committee is also charged with the implementation of our campus climate survey. HSI服务委员会审查HSI服务实践,以帮助改善和加强奖助金程序, the implementation of effective practices and benchmark promising strategies, involving and informing stakeholders, advocating for funding and initiatives, and staying knowledgeable about HSI-related matters. 招聘, retention and success committee reviews student, 员工和教职员工的数据,旨在了解皇冠官网网站如何继续加强努力,以确保员工和学生通过公平的视角获得信息. 社区修复委员会的重点是修复和参与,重点是解决大学和社会造成的伤害,同时与特定社区建立伙伴关系和关系.

The collaborative work of the DEIC has led to the development of goals, strategies and actionable steps. Challenges include navigating legislation and ensuring scope boundaries. 持续的合作, 数据驱动的决策以及对公平和包容的关注对于实施和实现该计划的目标至关重要. 丹佛州立大学的目标是成为高等教育多元化和包容性的全国典范.

从2020年到2022年春季, the DEIC hosted numerous campus student, 教职员工 forums for campus members to offer voice and input in the process, met with all division and academic branch leadership teams, and engaged deeply with institutional and campus climate survey data. The DSP was presented to the 校董会 in March 2022, where the plan was endorsed and formalized.

目标1:包容性 & 校园气候培养


皇冠官网网站有意培养和维持一个欢迎和多元化的大学社区,争取结构多样性和归属感, 和培养, nurtures and sustains a culture of inclusive teaching, 学习与实践, based on the principles of 股本, 包容, 准入和反种族主义.


  1. Collaborate with administrative and academic units to ensure that diversity, 股本, 包容和访问实践融入了该单位的目标,并与大学的优先事项保持一致.
  2. 积极参与校园气候和文化的持续评估,以确定和解决需要改进的领域,并与校园社区传播和沟通调查结果.
  3. Acknowledge and address 股本 and accountability gaps in policy and practice.
  4. 分析数据驱动和基于证据的建议,与校园利益相关者一起制定和实施适当的行动.

目标 2: Community Connections & 订婚


 We deliberately develop new relationships, strengthen existing relationships and heal broken relationships. 皇冠官网网站建立互利的合作关系,促进公正的转变,并进一步推动大学和更广泛社区的教育和公民目标. 


  1.  参与反思,揭露并积极调和过去和现在因影响边缘化社区的结构性种族主义和系统性不平等而长期存在的不公正现象. 
  2. 通过与丹佛市区和更广泛的社区接触,识别和评估皇冠官网网站的社会和运营结构中的不平等和障碍. 
  3. 投资资源并创建可持续的基础设施,以实施弥补过去/当前危害的战略,并产生积极影响, such as community wealth-building, investing in and supporting local communities, and recognizing and responding to local issues and inequities. 
  4. 确定持续培养和加强社区关系以及互利伙伴关系和合作的领域. 
  5. Ensure that aspects of marketing and communication, such as web presence to external relations, 创造一个更具包容性的, accessible and welcoming digital environment for 密歇根州立大学丹佛 and broader communities. 



As a recently designated Hispanic-Serving机构 (HSI), we strive to become a national-model HSI, 作为学生的首选,满足科罗拉多州不断增长的拉丁裔/非拉丁裔学生的需求. 皇冠官网网站提供必要的资源来发展学术和支持服务,以解决访问问题, 坚持与成功.



  1. 向决策者和其他利益相关者通报有关恒生指数的问题,并倡导增加资金和新举措, 项目和服务. 
  2. Maintain expertise about laws, 规定, 政策, issues and trends pertaining to HSI funding, 项目和名称. 
  3. Strengthen the process and criteria for the identification, 审查HSI/MSI资助的优先次序,并为资助的实施提供支持. 
  4. Research and benchmark promising practices at HSI/MSI for consideration. 

目标 4: 招聘, 保留 & 成功


多样化的教师, 员工和学生团体,以更好地反映皇冠官网网站所服务的多元化社区,并致力于保留和维持学生的多样性, 教职员工. 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校致力于招聘和留住多元化和包容性的员工队伍. 皇冠官网网站非常重视皇冠官网网站的教职员工和学生的多元化和交叉身份. 皇冠官网网站认识到,要实现公平,多样性必须包括但不仅限于代表性. 


  1. 制定全面的招聘和保留策略,使密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的教职员工多样化. 
  2. 利用数据跟踪的多样性和理解员工类别的数据, especially including administrative, classified and professional staff and 教师 at all ranks. 
  3. 为各种教职员工的保留和成功提供机构资源和支持. 
  4. Provide opportunities for professional development and growth to 教师, staff and 学生 centered on Access, 股本, 多元化和包容性. 
  5. 通过与校园合作伙伴的合作,确保招收和留住学生, 分享策略, vetting ideas and building of resources. 
  6. 提供必要的资源,发展学术和支持服务,以解决获取的问题, 坚持与成功 among 学生 of color.