An 情感支持 animal is defined as an animal that provides companionship, 情感支持, 幸福, 或安慰, which eases one or more identified symptoms or effects of a disability. Emotional support animals are not individually trained or trained to perform specific actions or tasks to assist individuals with disabilities.  ESA是 不被视为服务性动物. 根据《皇冠体育官网》.

Individuals with disabilities may request from the Access Center approval to have their ESA accompany them to 密歇根州立大学丹佛 classes, 会议及活动.   The Access Center will engage in an interactive discussion with the individual, review any documentation to support the individual’s need for the ESA to accompany them to class, and give consideration to the type of animal and other relevant factors including how the presence of the ESA could adversely impact the learning and/or instructional process in the classroom.   ESA是 not allowed in the classroom until this process has been completed and Access Center approval has been given in writing.


  1. 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students who are requesting to bring an ESA to class must schedule a meeting with the Access Center.
  2. Student must provide supporting documentation to be approved to bring an ESA to class as an accommodation based on their disability.
  3. The determination of whether the ESA meets the qualifications of a reasonable accommodation is made by Access Center staff, based on whether documentation provided is from a qualified and current provider and supports that (1) the individual has a disability; (2) the animal is necessary to afford the individual an equal opportunity to attend and participate in class; (3) the animal is an active part of a treatment plan for the individual; and (4) there is an identifiable relationship between the disability and the assistance or support the animal provides.




    1. Dogs must be licensed and vaccinated in accordance with City of 丹佛 regulations.
    2. Other types of animals must have vaccinations appropriate for that type of animal.
    3. 欧空局一定很健康.
    4. ESA must be harnessed, leashed, tethered or restricted from roaming free by another method.
    5. 欧空局必须清洁/无异味.
    6. Reasonable behavior is expected from ESA while on campus. 如果一只狗, 例如, 表现出不可接受的行为, the owner is expected to employ the proper training techniques to correct the situation. The owners of disruptive and aggressive ESA may be asked to remove them from university facilities. If the improper behavior happens repeatedly, the owner may be told not to bring the ESA into any facility until they take significant steps to mitigate the behavior.
    7. Individuals with ESA may not leave an ESA unattended or in the care of another individual in University facilities or on University property, 过夜或更长时间, 即使动物是被创造出来的.




The University may prohibit the use of ESA in certain locations due to health or safety restrictions, 欧空局在哪些方面可能面临危险, or where their use may compromise the integrity of certain research. 这些受限制的地点包括, 但不限于, 食物准备区, 若干研究实验室, 机械房/保管间, 木材/金属/机器商店, classrooms with demonstration/research animals, areas where protective clothing is necessary, and/or other areas where the animal’s presence may constitute a danger or a fundamental alteration of the program or activity conducted in the area. Access to restricted areas may be granted on a case-by-case basis by contacting the Director of the Access Center or the ADA Coordinator. The University will pursue an interactive process to determine whether or not admission of the ESA will be granted or denied.




The University has the authority to remove an ESA from its grounds or facilities if the ESA becomes unruly or disruptive, 不洁净的, and/or unhealthy to the extent that the animal’s behavior or condition poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others or otherwise causes a fundamental alteration in the University’s services, 项目, 或活动. If such behavior or condition persists, the owner may be directed not to bring the animal into public campus areas until the problem is rectified.




In the event of a dispute about an accommodation relating to a ESA, 或者动物限制, 学生可以提出申诉. 欲了解更多信息,请查看皇冠官网网站Grievance/Complaint 程序 for Students with Disabilities.



Any questions regarding these guidelines may be directed to the Access Center Director, (303) 615-0200.



主要办公室: 星期一至五,上午八时至下午五时
适应测试: 星期一至四上午八时三十分至下午四时三十分


办公地点: 122年广场
电话: (303) 615-0200


办公地点: 124年广场
电话: (303) 615-0199