
2023年8月18日- 10月21日


值得关注的科罗拉多女性 features five widely acclaimed artists who will transform CVA’s galleries through works that defy the male-dominated narrative of art. 的工作 金正日迪基Ana María Hern和o玛雅·露丝·李Suchitra Mattai 和 Senga Nengudi 突破界限, 强调女性艺术家的力量, 重塑了皇冠官网网站对权力的认知. Through various media we witness these artists repossessing the discarded 和 retelling subverted histories with narratives of resiliency.

尽管有这些文字, 立法, 和 impassioned work of many people for decades to create equity in the arts, 女艺术家得不到这样的机会, 提供给男性艺术家的资源和支持, 仍然在2023年. This 展览 is a celebration 和 amplification of the ground-shaking, influential work of five women artists who have each developed a visual language of transcendence,塞西莉·卡伦说, CVA的导演 & 策展人.



陶瓷雕塑 金正日迪基 (b. 怀特普莱恩斯, NY) address the dismissal of decorative work as craft rather than art 和 transform perceptions of traditional decorative ceramics. 迪基的许多作品都融入了博凯奇, the Rococo decorative art tradition of encasing objects in clustered, 小的花. 使用这些技术, 她用精致的材料创作大型雕塑, h和made elements traditionally used as decoration for small objects, 将微缩变为不朽.

访问 these sites for more information about the artist:



丹佛 Post review of 金正日迪基’s work by Ray Mark Rinaldi

Westword review of 金正日迪基’s work by Michael Paglia



Ana María Hern和o (b. Buenos Aires, Argentina) uses a variety of media to explore femininity 和 the power found within. Hern和o seeks to make visible that which is invisible, 精致的:以精致的材料为特征的, 女性化的, 和 often created or used predominantly by women.  Her work centers around textiles 和 most recently has transformed into large-scale sculptures of tulle, 与新娘有关的材料, 芭蕾舞演员, 和童话. 的 scale 和 environment of these tulle sculptures imbue the fabric with power. 的 brightly colored fabrics cascade in great flows, 暗示有力的运动, 或者以不朽的形式耸立在观众的头顶.

访问 these sites for more information about the artist:

Ana María Hern和o的展览声明

Ana María Hern和o的网站

My Modern Met review of Ana María Hern和o’s work

Left H和 Valley Courier review of Ana María Hern和o’s work


Lee_Maia Ruth迷宫副本


玛雅·露丝·李 (b. 釜山, South Korea) excavates her migratory upbringing in bodies of work that present the psychological experience of living a diasporic life. 为了这个展览, we look to the glyphs Lee has created from the cast-off metal bits of various structures. Glyphs are the shapes 和 lines that we use to graphically represent language. 以这种方式, Lee creates her own visual language pulling from the three very different cultures that have informed her identity: Korean, 尼泊尔, 美国. She sees these glyphs as a combination of physical object 和 graphical representation, 象形文字与护身符相结合.


访问 these sites for more information about the artist:







Suchitra Mattai (b. 圭亚那, South America) uses her work as an exploration of diasporic identity 和 a reimagining of the myths, 关于殖民主义的记忆和叙述. Mattai pulls vintage materials from the cultures that inform her identity with a focus on objects typically associated with or crafted by women. She reconfigures these everyday objects into intricately patterned, jewel-colored, sculptures 和 paintings that captivate viewers’ attention as they reveal the stories behind them.

访问 these sites for more information about the artist:

Suchitra Mattai的展览声明

Suchitra Mattai的网站

Suchitra Mattai超过敏研究综述

对Suchitra Mattai作品的艺术评论



Senga Nengudi (b. 芝加哥, IL), is an essential artist within the history of performative art having arrived at her practice via the study of art 和 dance. Her performative sculpture is about creating an electric experience that leaves the viewer vibrating with connection. Nengudi creates extraordinary environments out of lost 和 forgotten places filling them with elusive shapes resembling limbs from the human body. Her sculptures have developed out of a fascination with the elasticity of the human body, particularly the female body as it experiences pregnancy, 和 speak to how life pulls 和 stretches the body out of shape.

访问 these sites for more information about the artist:

Senga Nengudi的展览声明

Senga Nengudi网站


W杂志对Senga Nengudi作品的评论


的se five artists were nominated for inclusion in the 展览 一个新的世界:2024年值得关注的女性 at the National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA) in Washington, D.C.  的 值得关注的女性 展览 series is designed to increase the visibility of, 以及对, 有前途的女艺术家. Nominated for consideration by the Colorado Committee for the National Museum of Women in the Arts (CCNMWA), the five artists were selected to represent Colorado on the national level by Nora Burnett Abrams, Ph.D.马克·G. 法尔科内主管,MCA丹佛. 的 展览 at CVA was curated by Cecily Cullen. NMWA chose Ana María Hern和o to participate in the 一个新的世界:2024年值得关注的女性 展览.


CVA欢迎诺拉·伯内特·艾布拉姆斯博士.D.马克·G. 法尔科内主管,MCA丹佛, 和 artists from the 展览 for a conversation about the artists’ influential work 和 artistic careers while, 思考代表性的现状. 这次谈话对皇冠官网网站大家都充满了鼓舞.



6-8 PM



6:30 PM

