I. 政策声明

Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 has adopted an internal grievance policy for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by federal regulations implementing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 修订的, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).

第504条和美国残疾人法规定, 在某种程度上, that “no qualified individual with a disability shall, 由于这种残疾, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, 项目, 或公共实体的活动, or be subjected to discrimination by such an entity”.



II. 适用范围及用途 of Grievance Procedure

Students who believe they have been subjected to discrimination on the basis of disability or have been denied access or accommodations required by law shall have the right to invoke this Grievance Procedure. In general, this Grievance Procedure is designed to address the following types of concerns:

  1. Disagreements or denials regarding requested accommodations;
  2. Alleged inaccessibility of a University program or activity;
  3. Alleged 骚扰 or discrimination on the basis of a disability; and
  4. Any other alleged violations of the ADA and/or Section 504.

此申诉程序, 然而, is not intended and shall not supersede other University policies and procedures which may exist for addressing other issues of concern for which separate University policies and procedures exist, 包括, 例如, 级上诉.

Students utilizing the 非正式解决程序 must file their complaints within 30 days of the end of the semester in which the alleged violation occurred. 首先, all grievances shall be reviewed to determine whether they are submitted within a timely manner and/or whether they contain all required information. The University shall not review a grievance which is untimely or fails to contain all required information, 包括 a clear statement of all grounds for the grievance. To facilitate a clear and prompt resolution, 一旦启动, a grievance shall not be expanded beyond the issues presented in the student’s initial complaint. The University reserves the right to redirect a grievance to the proper grievance procedure or to any other appropriate review procedure.



3. 非正式解决程序

Students are invited to utilize the informal resolution process first to address their complaint.

  1. The student needs to schedule a meeting with the Director of the 访问中心 or designee. The Director or designee will review the matter, allowing all interested parties an opportunity to submit relevant information, 报表和文档. The Director or designee will make a decision regarding the appeal within ten (10) working days of the meeting and notify the student via their 密歇根州立大学丹佛 e-mail address.
  2. If the student is not satisfied with the result of the meeting with the Director or designee, the student can choose to file a formal grievance which is explained below.


IV. 正式申诉程序

Students can elect to forgo the informal resolution process and file a formal grievance. Information regarding filing a formal grievance can be found on the 平等机会办公室 website, http://ljs.qingzhuan.net/equal-opportunity/. The 平等机会办公室 is located in Student Success Building, 306房间,电话号码是 (303) 615-0036.



V. 外部投诉选项

Those who believe they are victims of unlawful discrimination, 骚扰, 或报复, may also initiate outside legal action through private sources or the appropriate state or federal enforcement agencies. It is recommended that where time allows (before applicable statutes of limitations have run out) the internal grievance procedures of the University be used prior to using a grievance system outside the University.

The grievant may choose to file a complaint externally at any point before, 在, or after the internal University proceedings.



格雷戈里·P. 主任苏利文
(303) 615-0200

Camille Torres, Interim Executive Director

Amanda Miracle,副局长
(303) 615-0036

U.S. 教育部
塞萨尔E. 查韦斯纪念大楼
电话: (303) 844-5695
FAX: 303-844-4303; TDD: 877-521-2172




主要办公室: 星期一至五,上午八时至下午五时
适应测试: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm


办公地点: 122年广场
电话: (303) 615-0200


办公地点: 124年广场
电话: (303) 615-0199

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